Winter Reading Group Indie Next List

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“The Meursault Investigation is a timely and powerful reexamination of Albert Camus' classic The Stranger told from an Arab perspective. It serves as both a complement to and a critique of its predecessor and should be required reading for anyone wanting a better understanding of post-colonialism and the current state of affairs in the Middle East.”
— Amanda Hurley, Inkwood Books, Tampa, FL

By Damon Tweedy, M.D.
“This is the marvelous story of the pitfalls and problems of 'doctoring while black.' From a professor who mistakes him for a maintenance worker, to white -- and black -- patients who assume he is less competent than white doctors, Tweedy tells the engaging, personal, and compassionate story of his road to becoming an M.D. Addressing the current problems of both our medical system and our race relations, Tweedy offers memorable stories and great insights into both sides of the doctor/patient relationship, including the subtle effects of race on the quality of medical care for black patients. Great for group discussions!”
— Tom Campbell, The Regulator Bookshop, Durham, NC

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“Fates and Furies is an engrossing and complex novel about a seemingly perfect marriage of beautiful people, told in two parts. The first is a gentle introduction to Lotto and Mathilde, their marriage, and their friends and family; the second, a violent storm to wash away all you thought you knew. Groff crafts amazing, shocking sentences and brilliantly reveals the lies and deceit hiding behind the perfect facade. It's a book you will finish too quickly and then want to tell your friends about. Very highly recommended.”
— Tarah Jennings, Mitzi's Books, Rapid City, SD

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“In his final novel, Haruf once again casts an aura of spiritual resonance over the small town of Holt, Colorado. When an elderly woman proposes to her equally old male neighbor that they spend their nights together in conversation, chastely, yet sharing her bed in slumber, the talk among townsfolk begins to stir. Neither Addie Moore nor Louis Waters will allow slurred observations to impact what, for them, has become a blessing encompassing memories and the comfort of having the warmth of another body close on cold and lonely nights. Matters take a dramatic turn, however, with the arrival of Addie's grandson, Jamie. His presence in the ongoing arrangement brings the inevitable question of moral behavior to the surface. As in a minister's benediction, Haruf extends a wise and compassionate resolution to this story, the quintessence of his life's work.”
— Mark Ingraham, Powell's Books, Inc, Portland, OR

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“Big Magic is a sweeping manifesto heralding the power of inspiration and intuition as well as creativity's force on human hearts and minds. Gilbert's wit and wisdom are so unpretentious and unique, so relatable yet inspirational, that in a sea of 'how to fix your life' titles, Big Magic is beyond refreshing. Are you interested in becoming more receptive to the inspired, unjaded side of yourself? Are you an artist interested in eliminating those 'tortured artist' feelings and creating your work joyfully? Gilbert is realistic about her convictions and candid about her failings and doubts. The result is this marvelously meaningful book.”
— Julia Sinn, Bookshop Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA

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“It has been some time since a book has affected me quite the way this novel has. I was struck by the authentic portrayal of characters that moved beyond the pages and made me see human beings in a whole new way. A tragedy of great proportion sets in motion an unraveling of lives, an examination of what people hold dear, and a recognition of how relationships with those closest are the most important facets of life. The writing is beautiful and the mystery at the heart of the book will keep readers riveted. This is the sort of work scholars are referring to when they explain why literature and the novel is so vitally important to our understanding of the human condition."”
— Jenny Lyons, The Vermont Book Shop, Middlebury, VT

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“When Elizabeth Alexander loses her beloved husband, instead of retreating into the desolation of grief, she examines the depth of her loss and reveals the healing power of her memories. Alexander has not only written a tribute to her marriage, she has also built a sanctuary where readers can retreat to marvel at what love can be and ponder the glimpses of it in their own lives. The Light of the World is a memoir that sings with the poetry of Alexander's writing, the love of her family, and the beauty of the life they created.”
— Luisa Smith, Book Passage, Corte Madera, CA

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“When Elizabeth Alexander loses her beloved husband, instead of retreating into the desolation of grief, she examines the depth of her loss and reveals the healing power of her memories. Alexander has not only written a tribute to her marriage, she has also built a sanctuary where readers can retreat to marvel at what love can be and ponder the glimpses of it in their own lives. The Light of the World is a memoir that sings with the poetry of Alexander's writing, the love of her family, and the beauty of the life they created.”
— Shawn Donley (E), Powell's Books, Inc, Portland, OR

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“The Meursault Investigation is a timely and powerful reexamination of Albert Camus' classic The Stranger told from an Arab perspective. It serves as both a complement to and a critique of its predecessor and should be required reading for anyone wanting a better understanding of post-colonialism and the current state of affairs in the Middle East.”
— Coleen Colwell, Booksmart, Morgan Hill, CA

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“A star-studded cast of characters, a time of upheaval and change in both art and politics, and a plot that alternates between modern and historical heroines make for an engrossing read. Danielle Abrams, employed at Christie's auction house, is obsessed by her mysterious great aunt, Alizee Benoit, a young abstract expressionist painter who worked for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) and disappeared without a trace in 1940. Perfect for fans of historical fiction, art lovers, or mystery readers and fabulous for any reader who enjoys a well-researched and well-written novel.”
— David Enyeart (E), Common Good Books, St. Paul, MN
Winter Reading Group Indie Next List

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“Whether you are familiar with the work of P.G. Wodehouse or not”
— Betsy Schram, The Bookshelf, Cincinnati, OH

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“In the 1890s a new law was going to go into effect that would put an end to the wide open, wild ways of the publishing trade. Up until then, international copyright laws did not protect the authors of books. Publishers paid skilled bookaneers" to pilfer the pages of unpublished novels; thereby gaining possession of books they could publish without having to compensate the author. As the date fast approached for the new international treaty to go into effect and shut down the bookaneers”
— Deon Stonehouse, Sunriver Books, Sunriver, OR

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“Everyone should have access to a 'literary pharmacist' to prescribe the perfect book for what ails them. Bookstore owner Jean Perdu is the victim of a long-ago heartache. While he can cure others”
— Pamela Klinger-Horn, Excelsior Bay Books, Excelsior, MN

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“One of the conundrums facing a true bibliophile has always been: books or people? Sara has spent her entire life in Sweden working in a bookshop and her answer has always been obvious: books. An unexpected pen pal relationship with Amy - an older book lover from Iowa - challenges that easy answer and forces her to reconsider her view of herself and the world. After months of corresponding”
— Erin Figel (W), pages: a bookstore, Manhattan Beach, CA
Winter Reading Group Indie Next List

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“This memoir is the most courageous book I have ever read. The author takes readers with him as he endeavors to make sense of his relationships with his parents and siblings”
— Sharon Wheeler, Purple Crow Books, Hillsborough, NC

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“Emotionally devastating and also somehow incredibly funny”
— Nichole McCown, Bookshop Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA

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“Rosalie Lightning is a haunting and beautiful memoir that lays bare the love parents can have for their children. Hart's simple renditions of his life before and after the death of his young daughter are successful symbols, lucidly conveying the widest range of emotions and thoughts. It would be a disservice to say Rosalie Lightning just made me cry -- it also burrowed into my heart. Hart describes the most unthinkable, painful event that can happen to a parent, and even more extraordinarily, he describes the love and the life that is still available afterwards. Rosalie was a joy to read about, and even on the darkest pages, I am glad he gave this gift of a memoir.”
— Lyla Wortham (W), Whistlestop Merchantile, Douglas, WY

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“Rafia Zakaria weaves the stories of her aunt and the hopes and betrayals of Pakistan's women in this important look at religious conservatism and political instability. In 1962 Rafia's family fled Bombay seeking a better place to practice their Muslim faith in Karachi, Pakistan. All was fine until Uncle Scohail took a second wife without Aunt Aminas's permission; the family was shamed and shaken but this was a new legal practice under the fundamentalist Muslim group now in power. Women's rights, religious extremism and the roots of volatile politics are presented in a powerful way in this family memoir and history.”
— Barbara Theroux, Fact & Fiction, Missoula, MT
Winter Reading Group Indie Next List

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“Psychological thrillers don't get any better than this. Moshfegh masterfully captures the inner despair of a young mind filled with vitriol. Through atmospheric and unsettling writing”
— Christopher Phipps, DIESEL, A Bookstore, Oakland, CA

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“Four unlikely companions join together to rent Hopewell Cottage on Little Lost Island”
— Rona Brinlee, The Book Mark, Neptune Beach, FL

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“Retired FBI agent Brigid Quinn is trying to live like a normal person”
— Meaghan Beasley, Island Bookstore, Duck, NC

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“The endless daylight of a Norwegian summer is the perfect backdrop for this warm and quirky debut filled with unusual characters and situations”
— Anmiryam Budner, Main Point Books, Bryn Mawr, PA

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“The greatest testament to the skill of a writer is the ability to make what might seem alien to the reader completely recognizable and utterly engaging. Such was my experience reading The Turner House. Mine is a tiny white family from a small town with no sense of heritage”
— Kim Fox, Schuler Books & Music, Grand Rapids, MI
Winter Reading Group Indie Next List

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“A very contemporary and controversial subject helps make this novel scarily real. The narrator is Emily”
— Liza Bernard, Norwich Bookstore, Norwich, VT

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“This quiet but beautifully constructed novel of grief is the tale of an Irish woman caught between looking after her own emotional well-being and that of her four young children in the wake of her husband's death. Her relatives and community mean well”
— Susan Scott, The Secret Garden, Seattle, WA

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“Purity by Jonathan Franzen is an engrossing story about a truly unique cast of characters whose relationships and endeavors revolve around conflicting social dichotomies. Franzen wrestles with the responsibility of the obscenely wealthy, the ability of any human to be completely transparent, the likelihood of any relationship to be completely equal and the overriding guilt associated with committing a crime no matter how noble the cause. The fast moving action of this page turning, rollercoaster ride of a novel will keep you engaged from beginning to end!”
— Phyllis Spinale, Wellesley Books, Wellesley, MA

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“With This Is Your Life”
— Rob Dougherty, Clinton Book Shop, Clinton, NJ
Winter Reading Group Indie Next List

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“If the evidence points to one thing”
— Sam Kaas, Third Place Books, Lake Forest Park, WA

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“Past and present collide in Allende's new novel. Alma Belasco flees the Nazi incursion in Poland and is raised in her aunt and uncle's home in San Francisco. Alma and Ichimei Fukuda”
— Anna Eklund, University Book Store, Seattle, WA

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“The Old Testament includes tantalizing references to a prophet called Natan. Brooks brings this mysterious figure to life as the confidante to and narrator of King David's life. From David's beginning as an unknown”
— Cindy Pauldine, The River's End Bookstore, Oswego, NY
Winter Reading Group Indie Next List

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“Tran has written a highly original noir mystery involving Suzy”
— Sherri Gallentine, Vroman's Bookstore, Pasadena, CA

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“In this exciting and cerebral epic spanning 5”
— Emily Ring, Inklings Bookshop, Yakima, WA

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“This debut novel packs a fantasy punch befitting its size. Father's library holds secrets that can rock the world. When Carolyn's parents were murdered, she found refuge at the library with Father. When he goes missing, she must learn the truth of her powers and the sacrifice she must make to gain the secrets she needs to maintain them. This is a superbly written and engaging fantasy for lovers of good prose. Not one to miss!”
— Linda Bond, Auntie's Bookstore, Spokane, WA

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“According to the Spirit of Music”
— Karen Briggs, Great Northern Books and Hobbies, Oscoda, MI
Winter Reading Group Indie Next List

By Juliana Barbassa
“Rio de Janeiro is one of the world's most exotic cities and much in the news over the past few years”
— Bill Cusumano, Square Books, Oxford, MS

By Dean Jobb
Algonquin Books
“It was P.T. Barnum who said that 'there's a sucker born every minute”
— Alden Graves, Northshire Bookstore, Manchester Center, VT

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“Inspired by a family trip in a covered wagon in the 1950s”
— Dick Hermans, Oblong Books And Music,LLC., Millerton, NY

By Robert Kurson
Random House Trade Paperbacks
— Sara Hinckley, Hudson Booksellers, Marietta, GA

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“With a deft sensibility associated more often with poetry than theoretical physics, Seven Brief Lessons on Physics not only makes understandable the transcendent physical discoveries of the past century, but also reveals their powerful relevance to the human spirit. A revelatory and concise account of quantum mechanics, relativity, and the delight in both finding answers and seeking new questions, this jewel of a book lyrically demystifies the extraordinary realities of the cosmos.”
— Robin J. Dunn (W), St. John's College Bookstore, Annapolis, MD
Winter Reading Group Indie Next List

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“When people say they don't read short stories because a story lacks the depth and complexity of a novel, you should hand them this book. The title story alone is richer than some novels and is one of the best pieces of fiction I've ever read. The rest of the collection is outstanding as well. With settings as varied as Africa, China, and the American West featuring characters black, white and Asian, Doerr reminds us of the power and beauty of memory and storytelling.”
— Cody Morrison, Square Books, Oxford, MS

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“This collection is Campbell at her best and most audaciously appealing. At the center of each of these stories is a fierce”
— Joanna Parzakonis, Bookbug, Kalamazoo, MI

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“Ever since Anthony Marra published A Constellation of Vital Phenomena, I have been craving more of his writing. Well, in The Tsar of Love and Techno, he gives us more stories in war-torn lands. These short stories are interconnected, taking place from the 1937 Soviet purges to Chechnya in 2013. Characters wind their way through stories, and the reader gets different viewpoints of the characters throughout the book, so that you get the bad with the good and the old with the young versions. Marra paints his characters into a suspicious and sorrowful world, but you get to see tiny brilliant bits of life that these characters live for. It is all worth it to them, all this sorrow if they can get to those brilliant bits.”
— Jason Kennedy, Boswell Book Company, Milwaukee, WI

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“Short stories are my drug and The
Unfinished World and Other Stories is just the fix I need.
Sparks' fairy tale inspired stories reside in the confused edges
of realty with a twist darker than Grimm. From a set of twins”
— Caitlin Luce Baker (W), University Book Store, Seattle, WA
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